Education Loan
  • Target Audience:

Designed to deliver financial services to School and University students for all their needs and a way to finance their education in a way that suits a family's income to promote excellence in academics and volunteering keeping in mind different circumstances a student's family may be going through.


Loan Description


Loan Size


Length of Repayment

According to loan size:

400-1000JD max. 20 months

1001-3000JD max. 24 months


Loan Amount

Annual Interest

Monthly Interest












Education (A)





Education (B)






Application fees




Loan Disbursement

e-wallet or cheques to National Microfinance Company.

Loan Disbursement Fees

Loan Amount

Deduction from cheque for every installment and calculated from the date the cheque is issued


1JD for every monthly repayment


2JD for every monthly repayment

Grace Period

None unless requested by client for the first month repayment in this case grace interest is deducted from the cheque according to Grace Period fees
No. of days(from cheque issuance to Grace Period)/360*Loan Amount*Interest Rate


Listed below

  • For universities that signed an agreement with the National Microfinance company to clear a student's record and complete graduation procedures:

General Pricing (for students that don’t have very good or excellent grades)


Students with Very good grades (B+,B,B-) or 80-90%


Students with excellent grades (A,A-) or 90% and above


For students that volunteer in prominent organizations( KAIIFD, The Jordan Youth Committee, The UN & international org., Orphanages and Senior citizen homes …) six months prior to application

Student receives 1% discount over the listed prices above

For students with disabilities such as (deaf, blind, handicap)

Student receives an additional 2% on the listed prices above

For students with siblings attending university as well

Student receives an additional 1% discount on the listed prices above

  • For universities without an agreement

General Pricing (for students without very good or excellent grades)

Pricing depends on the product (National, Business (A), Business (B))

For students with very good grades (B+,B,B-) or 80-90%

General Pricing - 2%

(For example, National Product: 21%-2%=19%)

For students with excellent grades (A,A-) or 90% and above

General Pricing - 4%

(For example, National Products: 21%-4%=17%)

For students that volunteer in prominent organizations( KAIIFD, The Jordan Youth Committee, The UN & international org., Orphanages and Senior citizen homes …) six months prior to application

Student receives 1% discount over the listed prices above

For students with disabilities such as (deaf, blind, handicap)

Student receives an additional 2% on the listed prices above

For students with siblings attending university as well

Student receives an additional 1% discount on the listed prices above

  • Discounts are added together a student may have more than one discount therefore the loan officer has to accompany a student card along with the application for a traditional loan

Payment Methods

Cash at designated banks or NMC branches or through mobile app. or e-fawateercom or by cheques or wire transfer According to the credit recommendation


According to products ( National, Business (A), Business(B)) and may be higher depending on branch managers' assessment or regional managers' assessment or credit departments assessment.




Education Loan for The Royal Academy for Culinary Arts

To achieve The National Microfinance Company's geared social message to serve all segments of society a product was designed to finance students in academies, vocational centers, colleges and universities through a loan with simple procedures.


* General Rules:

  • A student must be enrolled in The Royal Academy for Culinary Arts and his application by the academy to the bank
  • Loans are under the Education loan category with reference on the loan tracking system signifying the loan for the Royal Culinary Academy


* Target Audience: Students enrolled in The Royal Academy for Culinary Arts


Loan Description


Loan Size

Up to 2500JD max. for a semester with possibility to renew loan after full payment.

Repayment Period

Max. 5 months



Application fees




Disbursal Fees



According to rules and procedures as well as guidelines for lending and credit check through available methods

Grace Period


Debt Burden Ratio

55% calculated by dividing total repayment by net income

Payment sources

In cash at designated banks or at national microfinance company or through mobile app. or e-fawateercom or by cheque  r According to the credit recommendation


1 Guarantor (professional license, bank statement, trade record, proof of income…)

Loan disbursement

By cheque from The National Microfinance company to the Academy With a list showing the names of students benefiting from the funding

Loan Application

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Calculate your monthly installment

0 JD

400 JD

3000 JD

0 Month

1 Month

0 Month


  • The calculated monthly installment value is an approximate value for guidance purposes only and is not considered final.
  • The National Microfinance Bank has the right to change the financing value and the monthly installment according to its applicable policies.
  • It is subject to the product terms and conditions of the National Microfinance Bank
  • For more information, please contact the telephone service center at 0798777733  or at 062001010 or visit the nearest Branch to you.