• Headquarter

    Location: Yajouz Street - Opposite Safeway - Bank of Lebanon and the Emigrants Building

    Phone number 06-2001010
    Fax 06-5358118
  • Wehdat Branch

    Location: Middle East Roundabout - Islamic Bank Complex

    Phone number 06-2221321
    Fax 06-4742747
  • Jabal Al Hussein Branch

    Location: Main Street - Opposite Income Tax - Building 156 - First Floor

    Phone number 06-2221325
    Fax 06-4648110
  • Salt Branch

    Location: Al-Salam signal - Shahateet Complex - next to the Arab Islamic Bank

    Phone number 05-3020133
    Fax 05-3532227
  • Madaba Branch

    Location: Banks Street - next to the Jordan Kuwait Bank - opposite Madaba Municipality

    Phone number 05-3020134
    Fax 05-3240947
  • Southern Jordan Valley Branch

    Location: Ghor Al Safi - Education Street - near the Education and Training Centers - near Amr Commercial Complex - opposite Al Baik Boutique

    Phone number  03-2620121
    Fax 03-2300468
  • Baqaa branch

    Location: Palestinian Affairs Roundabout

    Phone number 06-2221323
    Fax 06-5370012
  • Mafraq Branch

    Location: Al-Mafraq Government Hospital Street - Opposite the Civil Consumer Corporation

    Phone number 02-6621145
    Fax 02-6235228
  • Irbid branch

    Location: Al-Husn Street - next to Jordan Bank

    Phone number 02-6621146
    Fax 02-7245297
  • Jerash branch

    Location: Old Irbid Road - Opposite Souf Camp Triangle

    Phone number 02-6621148
    Fax 02-6342608
  • Ajloun branch

    Location opposite the military institution

    Phone number 02-6621147
    Fax 02-6420603
  • Aqaba branch

    Location: Maysaloun Street - Yacht Hotel Building - Opposite United Transport

    Phone number 03-2620125
    Fax 03-2031841